Evidently, Kristin had been goofing off the night before and hit her head against the wall. She didn't think much of it until today when she got of the shower and fell, not tripped, fell. She hit her head again and this time it hurt.
When Randy called her mom concerned, she sent them to campus medical services who directed them to the ER at MTMC. That was the first problem, they gave directions to the girl who was there for a head injury! When I got to the ER and asked to see her they had no idea what I was talking about. There is only one hospital in Murfreesboro so I called Kristin to see where she was at. "I don't know" was all she could tell me so I told her to put Randy on the phone!
Luckily, they weren't far. We got her checked in, sent her off for a CAT Scan and waited for the results.
"I'm going to write you a prescription for a helmet"
was all the doctor had to say when he walked in! Haha!

She had a concussion and he did give her some meds for the pain but made her promise to try to stay upright as much as possible. I.E. off her head.