Thursday, May 27, 2010

Own Our Own

The boys are now 11 days old... hard to believe.  Mimi had to go back home on Tuesday afternoon so Tuesday night was Jonathan & Is first night own our own with the boys.  I wish I could say it was a piece of cake but JP went to work on only two hours of sleep.  We were beginning to think that either Mimi lied to us about how good they are through the night OR she's been slipping them some whiskey after she sent us to bed!

Yesterday was a little ruff for me as well.  They are eating every 3 hours and it was taking me a good two of those to get them both fed, changed, and put down so I could pump.  Didn't leave much time to rest or straighten up the house.  Laundry had to be done & bottles washed and I made it through.  By the end of the day I was getting things down to science and had them down within the hour!

Last night luckily went MUCH better!  They are sleeping a little longer in between feedings and we sometimes have to wake them up so they aren't going more then four hours between feedings!  Which meant we both slept a little more as well.

Jonathan is off for the weekend starting this afternoon so we are looking forward to a nice long weekend together.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hello World! Meet My Boys!

Since our last posting a LOT has changed!  Jonathan's parents & sister came into town on Thursday night.  Our ultrasound & office visit that afternoon went well but Dr. Boles said my list of reasons to be induced over the weekend was better suited for an SNL Sketch then actual medical cause.

On Friday we got a phone call that they would like to get a few more pictures from the ultrasound and asked us to come back.  By Friday afternoon, Dr. Boles called and said that he thought the Tuesday the 18th sounded like a good birth date!  FINALLY - an end was in sight and a definite date when we would meet our boys was established.

Well, Saturday morning my parents showed up! All the grandparents were here & in place ready to see some babies.  So, Saturday night we went for a walk.  Sunday morning I woke up at 4:45.  By 5am my contractions were 4 min. apart.  Still not wanting to alarm anyone - after all I've been to the hospital twice already with no babies yet - I decided to go take a shower... just in case.  :)

After everyone was up and had ate breakfast I asked Jonathan to take me on to the hospital.  We arrived at 10:30am and we told within just a few minutes of being monitored that we would have these babies WITHIN THE HOUR!!!

OMG! I didn't know what to think.  I knew this could be it but never expected it to come so soon.  They started prepping me right away and by noon our lives were changed forever.

Wyatt Nathaniel entered the world at 11:59am weighing 5lbs. 7oz & 19in long. A minute later, at 12 Noon Hayden Nicholas was born weighing 4lbs. 6oz. and 16 1/2in. long. Twenty fingers, twenty toes, and the sweetest sounded cries I've ever heard.

Even writing it now brings tears to my eyes!  After a few days in the hospital, I was released on Wednesday and moved to a "Rooming In" room at the hospital until the boys were released the following morning.

Everyone had been concerned over how Maggie would react to the boys but I am pleased so say she is an AWESOME big sister! After they were born, Kristin brought one of their baby blankets from the hospital and their two little hats and placed them in Maggie's bed.  Since they came home her tail has been wagging and she's already very protective of the boys! 

When we are laying on the couch with them and get up, she will jump up in our place and sit, guarding the boys until one of us returns to the seat!  How cool is that?!?!?!

Today the boys had their first photography session.  This was A LOT of fun for us... or at least for me!  As Jonathan was having his picture made with Wyatt, who was completely naked in his arms, Wyatt decided to umm... well... take a DUMP!!!  ALL OVER JONATHAN! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Not only that, but when he got cleaned up and went to do the same pose with Hayden he had to "relieve" himself as well!  Needless to say Jonathan had to go shower and I had to leave the room to try to keep from laughing so hard that I might bust a stitch!

I can't wait to share some of the photos that Sarah got today but in the mean time, here is a sneak peak of her in action with the boys!


Thursday, May 13, 2010


35 Weeks & 2 Days in.  Nona, Pops, & Aunt Kristin are heading to the airport to come this way.  Everyone is fully expecting to see these kids this weekend - No pressure or anything. :)  They did change their return flight to next Thursday so that gives me a full week to have them but obviously the sooner the better so they can spend some time with them before heading back to the beach.

Jonathan & I are going in for an ultrasound and to see the doctor this afternoon.   After being extremely uncomfortable for the last few days and getting very little sleep I've been considering how I want to approach this appointment.  Option A: Beg & plead for him to schedule me ASAP.  Option B: Give him the option - he can either schedule me during regular business hours OR I can just stop taking the medications that are keeping me from going into labor and he'll have to come in over the weekend, possibly in the middle of the night to deliver them.  Haha!

Obviously, both options are pending on the ultrasound results showing that both boys lungs are in good shape and ready to come see the world.

There are parts of the pregnancy I'm going to miss. Waking up to those little flutter kicks in the morning.  Watching how my stomach jumps and moves when Jonathan talks to them.  The look on peoples faces when they ask what I'm having and I say "two boys"!  They don't know whether to congratulate you or stop right there and pray for you while thanking God its not them! :)

Overall its been a pretty good pregnancy. But, I think we're ready for the next stage.  Or at least I thought I was until I saw the following quote:

There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins. ~Josh Billings


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We Made It!!!

We did it! We are officially 35 Weeks TODAY! WHEW!

I can't believe how fast its gone or the fact that our two little angels could arrive ANY DAY NOW! We've had ultrasounds done almost weekly throughout the entire pregnancy but I can't wait till I don't have to wait a week between seeing those little faces!

Wyatt has been camera shy for about 2 months now so we haven't ever had a good picture of his face. Hayden was very cooperative for the first time back in March when all the grandparents where with us and we were able to get a 3D image of him. He's been in hiding ever since but this past week I finally got to see him again.

I wonder what color hair & eyes they will have? How much alike will they look? Are they really going to weigh what the ultrasound suggests? How tall will they be? And will their personalities follow who they were named after or did we get that totally wrong???

Now I've added to the mix what day will they be born on and who's birthday will they share???

We were sitting in the doctors office last week and Jonathan was reading an article on the Dos & Don'ts of 1st Birthday Parties. I was looking at the cool little toys I want to get them down the road. My favorite was the grill set that was 'just like dads' complete with the little foods to put on it. :)

How long will it before before we get to the point where one wants a Pirate Party & the other a Super Hero Party???  They aren't even here yet and its already flying by!!!!


Monday, May 10, 2010

New Look!

I'm working on getting our blog moved from "couple mode" to "Family mode"! More changes to come!


Mothers Day

Yesterday was my very first Mothers Day. I wasn't really sure if I was officially considered a "mother" since the boys aren't here yet but had a great day none the less.

I woke up to the little kicks & jabs of both boys playing early in the morning. Got cards from the boys, Maggie, & Jonathan. And then the BIG surprise! And I do mean surprise! DIAMOND EARRINGS!!!!!

My husband, ever so sweet, said he thought I deserved something really special this year after all I'd been through. But it wasn't just me. He's been with me the entire way and I couldn't have done any of it without him. I've been thinking for weeks about how special Fathers Day is going to be for him this year. He is going to be such an amazing dad!

He made a wonderful brunch and then we laid around on the couch all day watching movies.

I almost thought I was going to become "official" on Mothers Day after I had about 3 hours of contractions. But, Jonathan had a talk with the boys that their grandparents would really like to be here to see them so about 2 hours later they finally stopped and let me go to bed.

We'll be 35 Weeks tomorrow which was the goal date so I feel really good about where they are now. But Chris & Darla better be on that plane Thursday afternoon 'cause I don't know that we are going to make to see 36! :)
