I can't believe how fast its gone or the fact that our two little angels could arrive ANY DAY NOW! We've had ultrasounds done almost weekly throughout the entire pregnancy but I can't wait till I don't have to wait a week between seeing those little faces!
Wyatt has been camera shy for about 2 months now so we haven't ever had a good picture of his face. Hayden was very cooperative for the first time back in March when all the grandparents where with us and we were able to get a 3D image of him. He's been in hiding ever since but this past week I finally got to see him again.
I wonder what color hair & eyes they will have? How much alike will they look? Are they really going to weigh what the ultrasound suggests? How tall will they be? And will their personalities follow who they were named after or did we get that totally wrong???
Now I've added to the mix what day will they be born on and who's birthday will they share???
We were sitting in the doctors office last week and Jonathan was reading an article on the Dos & Don'ts of 1st Birthday Parties. I was looking at the cool little toys I want to get them down the road. My favorite was the grill set that was 'just like dads' complete with the little foods to put on it. :)
How long will it before before we get to the point where one wants a Pirate Party & the other a Super Hero Party??? They aren't even here yet and its already flying by!!!!

1 comment:
I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET THEM! so glad you've kept those little muffins cooking! love you!
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