On Friday we got a phone call that they would like to get a few more pictures from the ultrasound and asked us to come back. By Friday afternoon, Dr. Boles called and said that he thought the Tuesday the 18th sounded like a good birth date! FINALLY - an end was in sight and a definite date when we would meet our boys was established.
Well, Saturday morning my parents showed up! All the grandparents were here & in place ready to see some babies. So, Saturday night we went for a walk. Sunday morning I woke up at 4:45. By 5am my contractions were 4 min. apart. Still not wanting to alarm anyone - after all I've been to the hospital twice already with no babies yet - I decided to go take a shower... just in case. :)
After everyone was up and had ate breakfast I asked Jonathan to take me on to the hospital. We arrived at 10:30am and we told within just a few minutes of being monitored that we would have these babies WITHIN THE HOUR!!!
OMG! I didn't know what to think. I knew this could be it but never expected it to come so soon. They started prepping me right away and by noon our lives were changed forever.
Wyatt Nathaniel entered the world at 11:59am weighing 5lbs. 7oz & 19in long. A minute later, at 12 Noon Hayden Nicholas was born weighing 4lbs. 6oz. and 16 1/2in. long. Twenty fingers, twenty toes, and the sweetest sounded cries I've ever heard.
Even writing it now brings tears to my eyes! After a few days in the hospital, I was released on Wednesday and moved to a "Rooming In" room at the hospital until the boys were released the following morning.
Everyone had been concerned over how Maggie would react to the boys but I am pleased so say she is an AWESOME big sister! After they were born, Kristin brought one of their baby blankets from the hospital and their two little hats and placed them in Maggie's bed. Since they came home her tail has been wagging and she's already very protective of the boys!
When we are laying on the couch with them and get up, she will jump up in our place and sit, guarding the boys until one of us returns to the seat! How cool is that?!?!?!
Today the boys had their first photography session. This was A LOT of fun for us... or at least for me! As Jonathan was having his picture made with Wyatt, who was completely naked in his arms, Wyatt decided to umm... well... take a DUMP!!! ALL OVER JONATHAN! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Not only that, but when he got cleaned up and went to do the same pose with Hayden he had to "relieve" himself as well! Needless to say Jonathan had to go shower and I had to leave the room to try to keep from laughing so hard that I might bust a stitch!
I can't wait to share some of the photos that Sarah got today but in the mean time, here is a sneak peak of her in action with the boys!

1 comment:
precious little family! :) i can't wait to see the pics!! love you, all!
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