Jonathan & I are going in for an ultrasound and to see the doctor this afternoon. After being extremely uncomfortable for the last few days and getting very little sleep I've been considering how I want to approach this appointment. Option A: Beg & plead for him to schedule me ASAP. Option B: Give him the option - he can either schedule me during regular business hours OR I can just stop taking the medications that are keeping me from going into labor and he'll have to come in over the weekend, possibly in the middle of the night to deliver them. Haha!
Obviously, both options are pending on the ultrasound results showing that both boys lungs are in good shape and ready to come see the world.
There are parts of the pregnancy I'm going to miss. Waking up to those little flutter kicks in the morning. Watching how my stomach jumps and moves when Jonathan talks to them. The look on peoples faces when they ask what I'm having and I say "two boys"! They don't know whether to congratulate you or stop right there and pray for you while thanking God its not them! :)
Overall its been a pretty good pregnancy. But, I think we're ready for the next stage. Or at least I thought I was until I saw the following quote:
There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins. ~Josh Billings

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