Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Donor Services

This month, as promised, we are starting our monthly charity/organization information section. This month we want to highlight Donor Services.

I have been an organ donor since my 21st birthday when I renewed my license. At the time, I had no real connection, didn't know anyone on the list, it just seemed like something good to do.

Many of you know or have read my previous story about my friend Trey who passed away following a car accident back in November. I shared with you a little about how I was thankful that he was an organ donor and how that actually seemed to help me cope with his death.

Below, is a news story that aired back in Feburary feturing Trey's story as an organ donor.

Last month we went back to Loudon for the Annual Baby Gracie Ride. Gracie received her transplant in 2004 when she was year old. Donor Services has been a part of the ride each year and this year had a booth set up encouraging others to sign up - which is when Jonathan also signed up.

At this years ride, Gracies dad Paul read a letter from the grandmother of the young boy who died but gave Gracie the opportunity to live on. To think of her words brings tears to my eyes again.

Currently, there are more then 96,000 people on the organ donation list. This number becomes more astounding when you realize that 1/3 of them will die waiting for their transplant. On average, 17 people die everyday while waiting on a lifesaving organ transplant.

To bring this closer to home, there are over 4,000 people on the waiting list in Tennessee alone. In this same state, on 200 people who will pass away this year will be organ donors.

We want to encourage all of you to become donors as well. There are a number of ways you can do this. 1. Sign the back of your Drivers License, 2. Check the Organ Donor box on your license EVERY TIME YOU RENEW, or 3. Visit either of these two sites and sign up TODAY!!! or

Once you decide to become a donor, talk to your family about your decision and your reasons behind it. This is one of the biggest obstacles faced as 50% of donor families refuse even though the person was a registered donor.

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