Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend of Nothing!

So the for the first weekend of having NOTHING to do it ended up being pretty exciting!

With no weddings to go to, not have to go into work, and not having anything left on Jonathan's "Honey-Do" List - we were at a loss on Saturday morning trying to figure out what to do.

After getting some much needed sleep following a tough week of work, we headed to Nashville for the Clemson Club Picnic. This was suppose to be a welcome party for the incoming freshman from Nashville to tell them a little about what they can expect. From the video, it looks like there's not much other then recent football highlights.

After taking a little detour, we found our way to the East Nashville Tomato Arts Festival. That's right, tomato art, jewelry, music and of course food - it was a day & a half event. This is going to be one we have to keep on the calendar for next year.

The highlight for the weekend however had to be our day today at Arrington Vineyards. This is the vineyard owned by Kicks Brooks of Brooks & Dunn. We couldn't have picked a better day to go either! The weather was great, good music, and of course good wine. We even had some good company - but if Steph asks, we were talking about her after she left. : )

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