Monday, September 21, 2009

On Our Way

Three months ago we thought this day would never come. Then Friday night we got the call and tonight we are sitting in the airport waiting to make our way to New Jersey.
Its been a busy weekend of planning and packing. Both of us beaming withe excitment.
Tomorrow we both have some test to go through then the removal will take place on Wednesday.
We got a little discouraged today when we found that my estrodile level was already 4500. Tonight I have another injection which spikes it even more but if it gets over 5000 they can not do the transfer. Instead, we would have to freeze everything to have it done at later time. No word on how late that would be.
So, please keep us in your prayers. Pray that the levels stay down and the proceedure goes well. That we return safely and stay calm through this week. We are trying our best to focus on having a vacation instead of the clinic.


1 comment:

Megs said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you both! Best wishes! I hope that all goes according to plan!