Anyway, we are still alive and well in the boro and I'm going to make an attempt to bring you up to date.
Let's see...
- I got Rock Band for Wii!!!! I think I may have missed my calling and should have been a world class drumer. If any bands are out there in need - give me a call. I'll take any reasonable offer.
- I've been teaching Jonathan to play tennis... we've only got one actual game in so far... still practicing.
- Riverfest 2008 was a blast! It makes me miss Loudon - the parade, the cookouts, and even the karaoke! Despite a minor tubing injury followed by a quick drop down the stairs, it was a good weekend.
- Chris, Darla, & Kristin all came to Loudon this past weekend. I'm truely blest to have in-laws that get along so well! We did what we always do when we are in Loudon - EAT! Altough they had some car trouble on the way down, Jonathan and I spent the day laying in the pool at the Orr Oasis. Kristin did not get eatten by a bear and the cake & peaches all made it safe & sound.
- The finale approval came through on the Homewood Suites project we have been waiting on and we hope to break ground by the end of the year! This will be our 3rd property in Murfreesboro!! - a little excited about that.
- Monday night we went to see the new Batman movie which Jonthan has been waiting for for nearly a year now... not really my type of movie but it was OK.
- Last night was triva night at The Flying Saucer. Being the trivia buff that I am I'm sure you are surprised that I didn't walk away with first place. To be honest, I couldn't even tell you what any of the questions were - I went to hang out & talk to Steph so Jonathan and Craig can take full credit for thier 29 questionable points. PS The winning team had over 80.
I think that touches most of the highlights. I'm making myself a reminder to start updating this thing more often.

The River Gang in thier Riverfest wear
Yes, we look just alike... and Cliff is always in the back ground.
Even Brycen got a T-Shirt! He should be able to wear this for the next 3-5 years.
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